
Daily Announcements ~ March 11th

March 11th, 2025 ~ Day 2 (High School Cycle) 

Attention Kitchen Brigades Chefs: our workshop is today, after school at 4pm!  See you there!

Today's Trivia tournament will be the defending champion Grade 12's against the Grade 10's. The winner will go on to face the grade 9's in Thursday's final. Check out the action in the art room at lunch!

The Safe Grad Committee are selling Bothwell Cheese & Central Meats (perogies & kubasa) to raise funds for our graduates celebration.

Orders are due by noon on Monday, March 17th to ensure they're available for pick up on Thursday, March 27th. 

Preference is for your order to be placed online here:   Bothwell Cheese & Central Meats Order Form  

with payment being sent by e-transfer to wpcpac@gmail.com

Paper order forms are available at the office if you prefer.

Lost & Found:

White Wired ear buds

Blue lunch kit found in Ms. Smith's class

White Puma runners (size 5 or 6)

Copper / gold bracelet found in gym

Last week, black ear bud & case URL brand

2 bracelets found yesterday

1 silver pearl found in gym

 If you have lost a water bottle from the beginning of the school year in the graphics class, please come to the office and pick up.