
Collège Jeanne-Sauvé hosts dance for seniors' apartments

Written by Collège Jeanne-Sauvé students Melody Chen, Kaiden Fedoruk, Lenna Khudina, and Chloe Crockford

“A special thank-you for being so thoughtful, caring, amazing students. We all had a wonderful time. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and best wishes for your new adventures. Bonne chance!” 
—senior resident from Dakota House

On May 3, 2024, grade 12 students from Collège Jeanne-Sauvé organized and threw a social event full of activities including dancing, board games, and socializing for residents at the neighbouring assisted living apartments for seniors, Dakota House. A trailblazer for future years, this event strengthened a relationship with the residents from the facility, lighting the torch of a potential tradition and sparking ideas for future events. 

The event was filled with live music, which encouraged the residents and the students to get up and dance together, creating a long conga line! It was an event for all interests, and the residents had the choice to sit down to enjoy baked goods, fresh coffee, and tea. Students were able to ask for guidance, with the opportunity to sit down with the residents to ask questions about life after high school and play questionnaire games that facilitated a connection between two different generations.

Three CJS students pose with two residents of Dakota House. The middle student is holding a handmade sign that says, "A big thank you."

Following the event, Collège Jeanne-Sauvé donated the money raised by the bake sale to Relay for Life, a fundraiser organized by students of the French immersion school and Dakota Collegiate. Collège Jeanne-Sauvé received a visit, as well as numerous emails and letters, from Dakota House saying how much fun the senior residents had at the event. 

The idea to bring to life this event came during the graduation meeting with grade 12 students, from student counsellor Brigitte McNeill. Throughout 3 weeks, students gathered to brainstorm ideas and discuss planning. During the planning sessions, the event coordinator, Karen Erlandson, attended meetings to contribute and help students plan accordingly. Students used their personal time to rehearse live music and make baked goods. This was a successful opportunity for the grade 12 students to bond and collaborate on a project for our community.

This event wouldn’t have been possible without a welcoming community and hardworking students. This event demonstrated the importance of making connections with many different people to gain knowledge, whether they are students in the same grade or people from another generation. Graduating students are excited to know that in the future years at Collège Jeanne-Sauvé the connections will continue to prosper.